arcgis sample代码之SOE示例代码PageLayout REST Server Object Extension 的源码分析
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研究 arcgis object的代码是十分重要的,对于学习arcObject太重要了,因为没有这些代码,学习混乱的arcObject将会更佳的困难。

我的arcgis server 是10.0 for java的,所有核心是arcObjects.jar文件:E:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\java\lib\arcobjects.jar

arcObject sample在:E:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.0\java\samples\arcobjects

其中ao的javadoc文档在:E:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.0\java\docs\eclipse\plugins\com.esri.arcgis.doc\doc.zip

在eclipse中配置arcGIS的javadoc地址为:jar:file:/E:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.0\/java/docs/eclipse/plugins/com.esri.arcgis.doc/doc.zip!/api/arcobjects

这样就可以通过eclipse迅速打开 javadoc了。

当然通过:E:\Program Files\ArcGIS\DeveloperKit10.0\java\docs\startJavaHelp.bat 也可以打开单独的eclipse帮助形式的 文档,单独的。这个doc.zip文件解压后很大,所以这种方式很好。

下面我要好好的分析下 sample代码

1.arcgis sample代码之SOE示例代码PageLayout REST Server Object Extension  的分析

在eclipse中创建了arcgis sample代码的pageLayout Rest Server Object Extension。这个SOE的功能是 将地图服务的 layout给画出来并缓存到C:\arcgisserver\arcgisoutput\目录下。


其中在竹资源下有一个操作(操作就是有参数的rest资源)  ,还有一个资源:  ,其实本质上一样,这个资源只是指定了三个参数而已。

在src/arcgissample.soe包下 有 PageLayoutImpl.java 和 PageLayoutSOE.java


View Code
/* Copyright 2010 ESRI* * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States* and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.* * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or* without modification, provided you include the original copyright* notice and use restrictions.* * See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.0/userestrictions.txt.* */package arcgissamples.soe;import java.util.logging.Logger;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.AlternatingScaleBar;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IActiveView;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IElement;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IFrameElement;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IGraphicsContainer;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDescription;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageDisplay;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IImageType;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILayoutImage;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.ILegend;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMap;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapFrame;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapServerLayout;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapServerObjects;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.IMapSurroundFrame;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.ImageDescription;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.ImageDisplay;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.ImageType;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.Legend;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.MapServer;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.MarkerNorthArrow;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.PageLayout;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.TextElement;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriImageFormat;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriImageReturnType;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.esriViewDrawPhase;import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.Envelope;import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IEnvelope;import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IGeometry;import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.IPoint;import com.esri.arcgis.geometry.Point;import com.esri.arcgis.system.IUID;import com.esri.arcgis.system.UID;public class PageLayoutImpl{    private MapServer serverObject;    // SOE metadata    private int width;    private int height;    private int dpi;        //Document related metadata    private String mapName;    private IMap map;    private IActiveView activeView;    private IActiveView pageActiveView;     private IMapServerObjects serverObjects;    private PageLayout pageLayout;        // SOE result    private String outputUrl;    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PageLayoutImpl.class.getName());    // public constructor.    public PageLayoutImpl(MapServer serverObject, int width, int height, int dpi)    {        this.serverObject = serverObject;        this.width = width;        this.height = height;        this.dpi = dpi;        this.outputUrl = null;    }          public void generatePageLayout() throws Exception {            try {                              mapName = serverObject.getDefaultMapName();                            map = serverObject.getMap(mapName);                            activeView = coerce(map);                            serverObjects = coerce(serverObject);              pageLayout = coerce(serverObjects.getPageLayout());                            pageActiveView = coerce(pageLayout);                            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = coerce(pageLayout);                            graphicsContainer.reset();                   IFrameElement frameElement = graphicsContainer.findFrame(map);              IMapFrame mapFrame = coerce(frameElement);                            //create a legend              IUID uid = coerce(new UID());              uid.setValue(Legend.getClsid());                                  IMapSurroundFrame legendFrame = mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uid, null);              legendFrame.getMapSurround().setName("Map Legend");                            IElement legendElement = coerce(legendFrame);              legendElement.activate(pageActiveView.getScreenDisplay());                            ILegend legend = coerce(legendFrame.getMapSurround());                            legend.setTitle("Map Legend.");              legend.setAutoAdd(true);              legend.refresh();                                  IElement mapElement = coerce(mapFrame);                                IEnvelope mainEnvelope = mapElement.getGeometry().getEnvelope();              IEnvelope elementEnvelope = coerce(new Envelope());                            double xmin = mainEnvelope.getXMax() + 2;              double ymin = mainEnvelope.getYMin() + 0.5;              double xmax = mainEnvelope.getXMax() - 2;              double ymax = mainEnvelope.getYMax() - 0.5;              elementEnvelope.putCoords(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);                            legendElement.setGeometry((IGeometry)elementEnvelope);                            //add it to the graphicsContainer.              graphicsContainer.addElement(legendElement, 0);                            //add a North Arrow              IUID uidNorth = coerce(new UID());              uidNorth.setValue(MarkerNorthArrow.getClsid());                            IEnvelope northArrowEnvelope = coerce(new Envelope());              northArrowEnvelope.putCoords(xmin , ymax - 0.5, xmin + 2, ymax + 1);                            IMapSurroundFrame northArrowFrame = mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uidNorth, null);                                  IElement northElement = coerce(northArrowFrame);              northElement.setGeometry(northArrowEnvelope);                            graphicsContainer.addElement(northElement, 0);                            //add a Title              TextElement title = new TextElement();              title.setSize(20);              title.setText(serverObject.getConfigurationName().toUpperCase());                                        IPoint titleGeometry = coerce(new Point());                            titleGeometry.setX((ymax - ymin) / 2);              titleGeometry.setY(((xmin + xmax) / 2) + 2);                            IElement titleElement = coerce(title);              titleElement.setGeometry(titleGeometry);                            //title element is always on top              graphicsContainer.addElement(titleElement, 1);                            //Add a ScaleBar              IUID uidScaleBar = coerce(new UID());              uidScaleBar.setValue(AlternatingScaleBar.getClsid());                            IMapSurroundFrame scaleBarFrame = mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uidScaleBar, null);                            IEnvelope scaleEnvelope = coerce(new Envelope());              scaleEnvelope.putCoords(1, 1, 3, 1.3);                            IElement scaleElement = coerce(scaleBarFrame);              scaleElement.setGeometry(scaleEnvelope);                            //Scale bar on top.              graphicsContainer.addElement(scaleElement, 1);              graphicsContainer.reset();                            activeView.partialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);              pageActiveView.partialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);                            //Generate Layout              IMapServerLayout mapLayout = coerce(serverObject);              IImageDescription imageDesc = coerce(new ImageDescription());                            IImageDisplay imageDisplay = coerce(new ImageDisplay());              imageDisplay.setDeviceResolution(dpi);              imageDisplay.setWidth(width);              imageDisplay.setHeight(height);                            IImageType iImageType = coerce(new ImageType());              iImageType.setFormat(esriImageFormat.esriImagePNG24);              iImageType.setReturnType(esriImageReturnType.esriImageReturnURL);                            imageDesc.setDisplay(imageDisplay);              imageDesc.setType(iImageType);                            ILayoutImage outputImage = mapLayout.exportLayout(mapLayout.getDefaultPageDescription(), imageDesc);                            //dont persist -> restore back to original state.              graphicsContainer.deleteElement(legendElement);                            graphicsContainer.deleteElement(northElement);                            graphicsContainer.deleteElement(titleElement);              graphicsContainer.deleteElement(scaleElement);                            graphicsContainer.reset();                            outputUrl = outputImage.getURL();              logger.info("Generated Layout : " + outputImage.getURL());                                }catch (Exception e) {              logger.severe("Error generating page layout : " + e.getMessage());              throw e;            }          }        /*public void generatePageLayout()    {        try        {            Map map = (Map) serverObject.getMap(serverObject.getDefaultMapName());            PageLayout pageLayout = (PageLayout) map.getPageLayout();            pageLayout.reset();            MapFrame mapFrame = (MapFrame) pageLayout.findFrame(map);            // create a legend            UID uid = new UID();            uid.setValue(Legend.getClsid());            MapSurroundFrame legendFrame = (MapSurroundFrame) mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uid, null);            legendFrame.getMapSurround().setName("Map Legend");            legendFrame.activate(pageLayout.getScreenDisplay());            Legend legend = (Legend) legendFrame.getMapSurround();            legend.setTitle("Map Legend.");            legend.setAutoAdd(true);            legend.refresh();                        legendFrame.setMapSurroundByRef(legend);//added by Ajit            Envelope mainEnvelope = (Envelope) mapFrame.getGeometry().getEnvelope();            Envelope elementEnvelope = new Envelope();            double xmin = mainEnvelope.getXMax() + 2;            double ymin = mainEnvelope.getYMin() + 0.5;            double xmax = mainEnvelope.getXMax() - 2;            double ymax = mainEnvelope.getYMax() - 0.5;            elementEnvelope.putCoords(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);            legendFrame.setGeometry(elementEnvelope);            // add it to the pagelayout.            pageLayout.addElement(legendFrame, 0);            // add a North Arrow            UID uidNorth = new UID();            uidNorth.setValue(MarkerNorthArrow.getClsid());            Envelope northArrowEnvelope = new Envelope();            northArrowEnvelope.putCoords(xmin, ymax - 0.5, xmin + 2, ymax + 1);            MapSurroundFrame northArrowFrame = (MapSurroundFrame) mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uidNorth, null);            northArrowFrame.setGeometry(northArrowEnvelope);            pageLayout.addElement(northArrowFrame, 0);            // add a Title            TextElement title = new TextElement();            title.setSize(20);            title.setText("USA Map Service.");            Point titleGeometry = new Point();            titleGeometry.setX((ymax - ymin) / 2);            titleGeometry.setY(((xmin + xmax) / 2) + 2);            title.setGeometry(titleGeometry);            // title element is always on top            pageLayout.addElement(title, 1);            // Add a ScaleBar            UID uidScaleBar = new UID();            uidScaleBar.setValue(AlternatingScaleBar.getClsid());            MapSurroundFrame scaleBarFrame = (MapSurroundFrame) mapFrame.createSurroundFrame(uidScaleBar, null);            Envelope scaleEnvelope = new Envelope();            scaleEnvelope.putCoords(1, 1, 3, 1.3);            scaleBarFrame.setGeometry(scaleEnvelope);            // Scale bar on top.            pageLayout.addElement(scaleBarFrame, 1);            pageLayout.reset();            map.partialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);            pageLayout.partialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);            // Generate Layout            // IMapServerLayout mapLayout = Macros.coerce(serverObject);            ImageDescription imageDesc = new ImageDescription();            ImageDisplay imageDisplay = new ImageDisplay();            imageDisplay.setDeviceResolution(dpi);            imageDisplay.setWidth(width);            imageDisplay.setHeight(height);            ImageType iImageType = new ImageType();            iImageType.setFormat(esriImageFormat.esriImagePNG24);            iImageType.setReturnType(esriImageReturnType.esriImageReturnURL);            imageDesc.setDisplay(imageDisplay);            imageDesc.setType(iImageType);            ILayoutImage outputImage = serverObject.exportLayout(serverObject.getDefaultPageDescription(), imageDesc);            // dont persist -> restore back to original state.            pageLayout.deleteElement(legendFrame);            pageLayout.deleteElement(northArrowFrame);            pageLayout.deleteElement(title);            pageLayout.deleteElement(scaleBarFrame);            pageLayout.reset();            outputUrl = outputImage.getURL();            logger.info("Generated Layout : " + outputImage.getURL());        }        catch (AutomationException e)        {            logger.info("MapLayoutImpl exception: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + e.getDescription());            e.printStackTrace();        }        catch (UnknownHostException e)        {            logger.info("MapLayoutImpl exception: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + e.getLocalizedMessage());            e.printStackTrace();        }        catch (IOException e)        {            logger.info("MapLayoutImpl exception: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + e.getLocalizedMessage());            e.printStackTrace();        }    }*/    public String getOutputUrl()    {        return outputUrl;    }        // This method is a convinience method to avoid all those interface type casts.    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")    private 
T coerce(F from) { return (T) from; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean isEmpty(String str) { if (str == null || str.length() == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }}


View Code
/* Copyright 2010 ESRI* * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States* and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.* * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or* without modification, provided you include the original copyright* notice and use restrictions.* * See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.0/userestrictions.txt.* */package arcgissamples.soe;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Set;import com.esri.arcgis.carto.MapServer;import com.esri.arcgis.interop.AutomationException;import com.esri.arcgis.interop.extn.ArcGISExtension;import com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectExtension;import com.esri.arcgis.server.IServerObjectHelper;import com.esri.arcgis.system.ILog;import com.esri.arcgis.system.ServerUtilities;import static com.esri.arcgis.system.ServerUtilities.*;import com.esri.arcgis.interop.extn.ServerObjectExtProperties;import com.esri.arcgis.system.IRESTRequestHandler;import com.esri.arcgis.server.json.*;@ArcGISExtension@ServerObjectExtProperties(        displayName = "PageLayout SOE",         description = "Presents the pagelayout view of layers in associated map service, alongwith with scale bar, north arrow, legend",        supportsMSD = true)        public class PageLayoutSOE implements IServerObjectExtension, IRESTRequestHandler{    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;    private IServerObjectHelper soHelper;    private ILog serverLog;    private MapServer mapServer;        public PageLayoutSOE() throws Exception    {        super();    }    /****************************************************************************************************************************     * IServerObjectExtension methods: This is a mandatory interface that must be supported by all SOEs. This interface     * is used by the Server Object to manage the lifetime of the SOE and includes two methods: init() and shutdown().     * The Server Object cocreates the SOE and calls the init() method handing it a back reference to the Server Object     * via the Server Object Helper argument. The Server Object Helper implements a weak reference on the Server Object.     * The extension can keep a strong reference on the Server Object Helper (for example, in a member variable) but     * should not keep a strong reference on the Server Object. The log entries are merely informative and completely     * optional.     ****************************************************************************************************************************/    /**     * init() is called once, when the instance of the SOE is created.     */    public void init(IServerObjectHelper soh) throws IOException, AutomationException    {        /*         * An SOE should get the Server Object from the Server Object Helper in order to make any method calls on the         * Server Object and release the reference after making the method calls.         */        this.soHelper = soh;        this.serverLog = getServerLogger();        // get the Server Object (SO) this SOE is associated with        this.mapServer = (MapServer) soHelper.getServerObject();    }    /**     * shutdown() is called once when the Server Object's context is being shut down and is about to go away.     */    public void shutdown() throws IOException, AutomationException    {        /*         * The SOE should release its reference on the Server Object Helper.         */        this.mapServer = null;        this.soHelper = null;        this.serverLog = null;    }    /****************************************************************************************************************************     * IRESTRequestHandler methods: This interface indicates that SOE supports REST. It exposes two methods: handleRESTRequest()     * and getSchema().     ****************************************************************************************************************************/    /**     * Handles REST request     */        public byte[] handleRESTRequest(String capabilities, String resourceName,             String operationName, String operationInput,             String outputFormat, String requestProperties,             String[] responseProperties) throws IOException, AutomationException    {        /*         * This method handles REST requests by determining whether an operation         * or resource has been invoked and then forwards the request to         * appropriate methods.         */        try        {            // if no operationName is specified send description of specified            // resource            if (operationName.length() == 0)            {                return getResource(resourceName);            }            else            // invoke REST operation on specified resource            {                return invokeRESTOperation(capabilities, resourceName, operationName, operationInput, outputFormat,                        requestProperties, responseProperties);            }        }        catch (Exception e)        {            return ServerUtilities.sendError(0, "Exception occurred: " + e.getMessage(), null).getBytes("utf-8");        }        }        /**     * Returns schema of the REST resource     */    public String getSchema() throws IOException, AutomationException    {        try        {            JSONObject _PageLayoutSOE = createResource(                    "PageLayoutSOE",                    "Presents a page layout view of layers in associated map service, alongwith with scale bar, north arrow and legend",                    false);            JSONArray _PageLayoutSOE_OpArray = new JSONArray();            _PageLayoutSOE_OpArray.put(createOperation("getPageLayoutBySize", "width, height, dpi", "json, html"));            _PageLayoutSOE.put("operations", _PageLayoutSOE_OpArray);                        JSONArray _PageLayoutSOE_SubResourceArray = new JSONArray();            JSONObject layout1024x768 = createResource("PageLayout1024x768", "Page layout view of map of dimensions 1024 x 768", false);            _PageLayoutSOE_SubResourceArray.put(layout1024x768);            _PageLayoutSOE.put("resources", _PageLayoutSOE_SubResourceArray);                                    return _PageLayoutSOE.toString();        }        catch (JSONException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return null;    }    /****************************************************************************************************************************     * SOE Util methods.     ****************************************************************************************************************************/        /**     * Invokes specified REST operation on specified REST resource     * @param capabilitiesList     * @param resourceName     * @param operationName     * @param operationInput     * @param outputFormat     * @param requestProperties     * @param responseProperties     * @return     */    private byte[] invokeRESTOperation(String capabilitiesList, String resourceName, String operationName,            String operationInput, String outputFormat, String requestProperties, String[] responseProperties) throws Exception    {        byte[] operationOutput = null;        JSONObject operationInputAsJSON = new JSONObject(operationInput);        //parse request properties and create a map        java.util.Map
requestPropertiesMap = new HashMap
(); if (requestProperties != null && requestProperties.length() > 0) { JSONObject requestPropertiesJSON = new JSONObject(requestProperties); Iterator
jsonKeys = requestPropertiesJSON.keys(); while (jsonKeys.hasNext()) { String key = jsonKeys.next(); requestPropertiesMap.put(key, requestPropertiesJSON.getString(key)); } } //create a Map to hold response properties java.util.Map
responsePropertiesMap = new HashMap
(); if (resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase("") || resourceName.length() == 0) { if (operationName.equalsIgnoreCase("getPageLayoutBySize")) { operationOutput = generateLayoutAndReturnURL(mapServer, operationInputAsJSON).getBytes("utf-8"); } else { operationOutput = sendError(0, "Operation " + "\"" + operationName + "\" not supported on resource " + resourceName + ".", new String[]{"No other details", " specified"}).getBytes("utf-8"); } } else //if non existent sub-resource specified, report error { operationOutput = sendError(0, "No sub-resource by name \"" + resourceName + "\" found.", new String[]{""}).getBytes("utf-8"); } //convert response properties to String array if (!responsePropertiesMap.isEmpty()) { Set
keys = responsePropertiesMap.keySet(); Iterator
keysIterator = keys.iterator(); int i = 0; while (keysIterator.hasNext()) { String key = keysIterator.next(); String value = responsePropertiesMap.get(key); responseProperties[i] = key + "=" + value; i++; } } return operationOutput; } /** * Returns description of resource specified by resourceName * @param resourceName * @return byte[] */ private byte[] getResource(String resourceName) { try { if(resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase("") || resourceName.length() == 0) { //this.serverLog.addMessage(1, 8000, "1"); return getRootResourceDescription().toString().getBytes(); } if(resourceName.equalsIgnoreCase("PageLayout1024x768")) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("height", 1024); json.put("width", 768); json.put("dpi", 72); return generateLayoutAndReturnURL(mapServer, json).getBytes("utf-8"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Returns description of the root resource * @return description as a JSONObject */ private JSONObject getRootResourceDescription() { try { JSONObject rootResource = new JSONObject(); rootResource.put("Name", "PageLayout SOE"); rootResource.put("Description", "Presents a Map's image in page layout format."); return rootResource; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Generates PageLayout image and returns URL to the image * @param serverObject * @param width * @param height * @param dpi * @return Image URL as String */ private String generateLayoutAndReturnURL(MapServer serverObject, JSONObject inputParameters) { try { int height = inputParameters.getInt("height"); int width = inputParameters.getInt("width"); int dpi = inputParameters.getInt("dpi"); if ((height <= 0) || (width <= 0) || (dpi <= 0)) { return sendError(400, "Invalid Input.", null); } // generate page layout. PageLayoutImpl impl = new PageLayoutImpl(mapServer, width, height, dpi); impl.generatePageLayout(); this.serverLog.addMessage(1, 8000, "Layout Output : " + impl.getOutputUrl()); // set response properties JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); response.put("outputUrl", impl.getOutputUrl()); return response.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return sendError(1, e.getMessage(), null); } } /**************************************************************************************************************************** * General Util methods. ****************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Creates a REST resource based on specified name, description and collection flag * @param name * @param description * @param isCollection * @return REST resource as a JSONObject */ private JSONObject createResource(String name, String description, boolean isCollection) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); if (name.length() > 0 && name != null) { json.put("name", name); } else { throw new Exception("Resource must have a valid name."); } json.put("description", description); json.put("isCollection", isCollection); return json; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Creates an operation that can be called on a REST resource, using specified name, parameter list and * output formats list * @param operationName * @param parameterList * @param supportedOutputFormatsList * @return Operation as a JSONObject */ private JSONObject createOperation(String operationName, String parameterList, String supportedOutputFormatsList) { try { JSONObject operation = new JSONObject(); if (operationName.length() > 0 && operationName != null) { operation.put("name", operationName); } else { throw new Exception("Operation must have a valid name."); } // parameters if (parameterList.length() > 0 && parameterList != null) { JSONArray operationParamArray = new JSONArray(); String[] parameters = parameterList.split(","); for (String parameter : parameters) { operationParamArray.put(parameter.trim()); } operation.put("parameters", operationParamArray); } else { throw new Exception( "Operation must have parameters. If your operation does not requires params, then please convert it to a sub-resource."); } // supported Output formats if (supportedOutputFormatsList.length() > 0 && supportedOutputFormatsList != null) { JSONArray outputFormatsArray = new JSONArray(); String[] outputFormats = supportedOutputFormatsList.split(","); for (String outputFormat : outputFormats) { outputFormatsArray.put(outputFormat.trim()); } operation.put("supportedOutputFormats", outputFormatsArray); } else { throw new Exception("Operation must have supported output formats specified"); } return operation; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Returns a detailed error thats constructed based on specified code, message and details array. * @param code * @param message * @param details * @return error String */ private String sendError(int code, String message, String[] details) { /* * An json error is sent back to client in the following structure.{ "error": { "code": 400, "message": * "Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.", "details": ["'time' param is invalid"] }} */ try { JSONObject errorObject = new JSONObject(); JSONObject error = new JSONObject(); error.put("code", code); error.put("message", message); if (details != null) { JSONArray detailsArray = new JSONArray(); for (String detail : details) { detailsArray.put(detail); } error.put("details", detailsArray); } errorObject.put("warning", error); return errorObject.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }}


其中还有一个 rest 的java客户端,这个是单独运行的,和上面两个没啥关系。上面两个文件发布成 jar文件,放到java/lib/ext文件夹下面后部署SOE成功,并且添加到地图服务的 功能  上就可以使用了。比如就是portland的地图服务下面的扩展功能 SOE 是 PageLayoutSOE 了。其实这个SOE可以放到任何一个地图服务的扩展功能当中。


View Code
/* Copyright 2010 ESRI* * All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States* and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.* * You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or* without modification, provided you include the original copyright* notice and use restrictions.* * See the use restrictions at <your ArcGIS install location>/DeveloperKit10.0/userestrictions.txt.* */package arcgissamples.soe.restclient;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.net.HttpURLConnection;import java.net.MalformedURLException;import java.net.ProtocolException;import java.net.URL;import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;public class PageLayoutRESTClient{    private String serverName = "";    private String mapServiceName = "";    private String soeName = "";    private String userName = "";    private String password = "";        public PageLayoutRESTClient(String serverName, String mapServiceName, String soeName, String userName, String password)    {        this.serverName = serverName;        this.mapServiceName = mapServiceName;        this.soeName = soeName;        this.userName = userName;        this.password = password;    }        public static void main(String[] args)    {        String serverName = "";        String mapServiceName = "";        String soeName = "";        String userName = "";        String password = "";                if(args.length == 5)        {            serverName = args[0];            mapServiceName = args[1];            soeName = args[2];            userName = args[3];            password = args[4];        }        else        {            System.out.println("Wrong Usage. For correct usage, see following: \n"                    + "\nUsage: PageLayoutRESTClient [server name] [map service name] [soe name] [user name] [password]\n\n"                    + "[server name] - Specifies name of ArcGIS Server\n"                    + "[map service name] - Specifies name of map service\n"                    + "[soe name] - Specifies SOE name\n"                    + "[username] - Specifies user name\n"                    + "[password] - Specifies user password\n");            System.exit(1);        }                try        {            PageLayoutRESTClient client = new PageLayoutRESTClient(serverName, mapServiceName, soeName, userName, password);            client.consumeRESTSOE();        }        catch (MalformedURLException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }        catch (IOException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }    }        public void consumeRESTSOE() throws MalformedURLException, IOException    {        //get SOE's JSON representation         String url = "http://" + this.serverName + ":8399/arcgis/rest/services/" + this.mapServiceName + "/MapServer/exts/" + this.soeName + "?f=json";        System.out.println("\nSOE's JSON representation: \n" + sendReceive(url));                //invoke sub resource        url = "http://" + this.serverName + ":8399/arcgis/rest/services/" + this.mapServiceName + "/MapServer/exts/" + this.soeName + "/PageLayout1024x768?f=json";        System.out.println("\nSub Resource: \n" + sendReceive(url));                //invoke operation        url = "http://" + this.serverName + ":8399/arcgis/rest/services/" + this.mapServiceName + "/MapServer/exts/" + this.soeName + "/getPageLayoutBySize?" +                "width=1024&height=800&dpi=72&f=json";        System.out.println("\nOperation: \n" + sendReceive(url));    }        private String sendReceive(String urlString) throws MalformedURLException, IOException    {        //create HTTP connection        URL url = new URL(urlString);        HttpURLConnection httpConnection = getHTTPConnection(url, "GET", this.userName, this.password);        System.out.println("Header Info: \n");        printHTTPHeaderInfo(httpConnection);                //send request        httpConnection.connect();                //get response        String response = getResponse(httpConnection);                //disconnect        httpConnection.disconnect();                        return response;    }            /**     * Prints HTTP Header info     * @param httpConnection     */    private void printHTTPHeaderInfo(HttpURLConnection httpConnection)    {        // look at headers        // the 0th header has a null key, and the value is the response line ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK" or whatever)        String header = null;        String headerValue = null;        int index = 0;        while ((headerValue = httpConnection.getHeaderField(index)) != null)        {            header = httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(index);                        if (header == null)                System.out.println(headerValue);            else                System.out.println(header + ": " + headerValue);                        index++;        }    }            /**     * Returns an HTTPURLConnection object based on specified URL and HTTP method, username and password     * @param url     * @param method     * @return     */    private HttpURLConnection getHTTPConnection(URL url, String httpMethod, String userName, String userPassword)    {        try        {            //boolean quiet, String httpMethod, URL url, String username, String password, InputStream body)            HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();            httpConnection.setRequestMethod(httpMethod);                        // write auth header            BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();            String encodedCredential = encoder.encode( (userName + ":" + userPassword).getBytes() );            httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "BASIC " + encodedCredential);                        return httpConnection;        }        catch (ProtocolException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }        catch (IOException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }                return null;    }        /**     * Returns response from an HTTPConnection object     * @param httpConnection     * @return     */    private String getResponse(HttpURLConnection httpConnection)    {        try        {            InputStream responseBodyStream = httpConnection.getInputStream();            StringBuffer responseBody = new StringBuffer();            int read = 0;            byte buffer[] = new byte[8192];            while ((read = responseBodyStream.read(buffer)) != -1)            {                responseBody.append(new String(buffer, 0, read));            }                        responseBody.trimToSize();            return responseBody.toString();        }        catch (IOException e)        {            e.printStackTrace();        }                return null;    }        }

对于客户端 纯java程序,不解释了。SOE文件,其主要就是实现两个接口的方法: IServerObjectExtension, IRESTRequestHandler的。一个是SOE的主要接口,一个是rest服务的接口,当然后者也可以为soap的服务接口。

arcgis plugin for eclipse的创建SOE扩展的时候有一点需要注意:一定要有一个操作,否则生成的代码有点错误 。关于SOE研究下init shutdown方法和 handleRESTRequest getSchema invokeRESTOperation方法就可以,其他方法都是辅助这些方法的。

此SOE的操作其实是调用了 PageLayoutImpl impl = new PageLayoutImpl(mapServer, width, height, dpi);




此方法最重要的是 SOE 传递了MapServer mapServer参数,以及三个选项参数。

此SOE的代码太乱了,我精简下,把那些 什么指南针,图例,legend之类的图片上的文字全部去掉,其代码就是:

public void generatePageLayout() throws Exception {            try {              //Generate Layout              IMapServerLayout mapLayout = coerce(serverObject);              IImageDisplay imageDisplay = coerce(new ImageDisplay());              imageDisplay.setDeviceResolution(dpi);              imageDisplay.setWidth(width);              imageDisplay.setHeight(height);              IImageType iImageType =(new ImageType());//coerce(new ImageType());              iImageType.setFormat(esriImageFormat.esriImagePNG24);              iImageType.setReturnType(esriImageReturnType.esriImageReturnURL);              IImageDescription imageDesc = coerce(new ImageDescription());              imageDesc.setDisplay(imageDisplay);              imageDesc.setType(iImageType);        //核心啊 exportLayout就生成了缓存的图片(此缓存图片会在一定时间后自动删除)              ILayoutImage outputImage = mapLayout.exportLayout(mapLayout.getDefaultPageDescription(), imageDesc);        //缓存图片的连接示例为:              this.outputUrl = outputImage.getURL();              logger.info("Generated Layout : " + outputImage.getURL());            }catch (Exception e) {              logger.severe("Error generating page layout : " + e.getMessage());//这个是SOE的日志              throw e;            }    }

生成的图片干净了许多,但是我现在想要生成 要素 的透明png图片,可不是layout了。如何生成呢?伤脑筋那。


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